Concert Band 1
Concert Band 1 is the third performing ensemble for the band program and is open to students in grades nine through twelve. To be a member of this group, a student must:
• demonstrate the highest level of musical maturity, technical proficiency, and commitment to rehearsals and practice time. (Private lessons are highly encouraged)
• attend weekly sectionals held either before or after school between the months of January and May
• attend daily extended rehearsals after school until 4:10pm during the spring semester
• prepare TMEA All State etudes or designated Non-Region etudes to a level sufficient for an audition
• perform a solo (and an optional ensemble) at the KISD Solo & Ensemble competition in May (or FRHS recital with director approval) Members of the Concert Band cannot miss rehearsal within 7 days of performance for any reason other than school competition, illness, or emergency.
Performance Level IV is required for placement in the Concert Band (see Minimum Skills Chart)